British Pubs

The English Pub The Pub is a traditional part of English life. This is not surprising. In all societies, places where people can have a drink together are part of social life. They are places where people go to talk to each other, to find companionship, to gossip and catch up on news. The French have their cafés, Americans their fast foods, and the British their pubs. The English pub is a place with an important social function - a meeting place, somewhere to relax, a place where people drink, talk and traditionally play games like cards or darts or even billiards. Sociological surveys show that the pub is the only place where the English, who are usually very reserved, willingly begin a conversation with a stranger! The names of the pubs The word " pub " is short for "public house", which means a historic kind of community centre. In many English pubs, the large majority of consumers ...