
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2018


Story of the x In writings by Arab mathematicians prior to the 15 th century there are references to equations. They called the unknown element the thing, because they had  no other name for it. “How much is the thing if when increased by five it is double the thing minus seven?” The word thing in Arabic, is pronounced xay, so this is the expression  translators used. Later it was abbreviated to its initial letter, x. Equations: degree and difficulty Finding formulas to solve first and second-degree equiatons is not very difficult for mathematicians. Those problems were solved in the Middle Ages. But this wasn´t the case with problems that had a higher degree than two. In fact, during the Renaissance, Italian mathematicians of the 16 th century, who were then considered the most advanced mathematicians, worked hard in this area. At the end of the 17 th century they continued to find ways to solve equiations with a superior degree of up to four until, i...

Projects: A fact sheet about a city

Our students have been working on a project about different cities around the world . They have done it individually or in pairs and they have presented their power points to the rest of the class. We have recorded some of them and the result has been very positive.    Here is a list of sites where we have practiced own knowledge on geography:  There are some map quiz games which are really fun and can also be a great way to learn more about countries and cities: https://lizardpoint.com/geography/europe-caps-quiz.php https://online.seterra.com/en/vgp/3073 Here you can see some of the projects the students have presented orally: Some of them have travelled to European countries : PARIS by Olaya and Mónica: Others have crossed the Ocean and have visited the United States :  NEW YORK   by Noemí: Finally some other students have chosen interesting cities in ...


      PRESENTATION DES ÉLÈVES EN CLASE D’EPS AU LYCÉE DE SALAS ·     Bonjour à tous. Je m'appelle.................., et je suis très content(e) d'être ici avec vous.  ·     Bonjour à tous. Je m'appelle.................., j'habite à.............. et j'aime beaucoup toutes les activités que nous faisons au lycée. ·     Salut. Je suis ........., j’habite à .......... et j'adore l'EPS, tous les jeux que nous faisons en clase et tous les sports. ·     Bonjour. Je suis ......... j'étudie au lycée de Salas et la matière que je préfère  est ........ ·     Bonjour. Je m'appelle .......... c'est ma première année au lycée et aussi à la ville de Salas. ·     Bonjour. Je suis..........et c'est aussi ma première année à la ville de Salas et au lycée Arzobispo Valdés-Salas. ·     Salut. Je m'appelle .........., j'habite à........ et j'aime surtout jouer au...