In Mathematics, natural numbers are the numbers that we use for counting objects (one, two, three…) and ordinal numbers for ordering objects (first, second, third…). Cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers are both natural numbers.

In ancient Greece, the philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras (570 BC-495 BC) and his followers attributed divine, mystical powers to numbers. They believed that numbers governed everything, from the movements of the planets to music. They also believed that some numbers were more divine or mystical than others and gave special meanings to different numbers. They believed, for example, that a number could represent justice or wisdom. The holiest number of all was "tetractys" or ten, a triangular number composed of the sum of one, two, three and four. It is a great tribute to the Pythagoreans' intellectual achievements that they deduced the special place of the number 10 from an abstract mathematical argument rather than from something as mundane as counting the fingers on two hands.


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