The ancient Egyptian calendar The ancient Egyptians were the first civilization to create a calendar which organised the year into 365 days . This calendar is believed to date back to the 3 ͬ ͩ millennium BC. The year consisted of 12 months of 30 days each one plus five holy days. The months were divided into three weeks of ten days each. The Egyptian year was divided into three seasons of four months. These seasons were: The season of Akhet (Inundation) The season of Peret (Growth-Winter) The season of Shemu (Harvest-Summer) The Egytian calendar was known to be imperfect as it was almost a quarter of a day shorter than the true solar year. Image representing the sky and the constellations The ancient Greek calendar The Greek calendar includes a variety of dating systems used by the several city-states in the time of classical Greece . There was no uniform calendar imposed upon all of the Hellenic territory. Each polis had i...
Electricity is the flow of charge from anode to cathode in a conductor. This current provides power to the electrical devices. To understand how the electricity works we need to know the various parameters related to it and the relation between them. Quantity Symbol Unit Symbol Electrical potential, voltage V Volts v Electric Resistance R Ohms Ω Current I Amperes A Electrical energy E Jules J (also Kwh) Electrical power P Watts W
Un sac de billes est un récit autobiographique de style libre écrit par Joseph Joffo et publié en 1973. Traduit en 18 langues, Un sac de billes a connu un vif succès en librairie (20 millions de livres vendus dans 23 pays). L'histoire se passe entre 1941 et 1944 pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, où deux jeunes frères juifs doivent fuir à travers la France occupée par l'armée allemande. Résumé L'action se situe dans la France de 1941. Joseph, le narrateur, est âgé de 10 ans au début du récit. C'est un petit Parisien assez heureux vivant dans le 18 e arrondissement de Paris, dernier d'une famille de sept enfants (Dans l'ordre : Madeleine, Henri, Albert, Rosette, Esther, Maurice et Joseph). Il est très proche de son grand frère Maurice, deux ans plus âgé que lui. Ils fréquentent l'école Ferdinand-Flocon. Mais les Allemands occupent Paris et en viennent à imposer le port de l'étoile jaune. Pressentant le pire, les parents de Josep...
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